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分类:会计基础 丨 发布时间:2023-08-26 08:44:59 丨 作者:学乐佳 丨 浏览量:65


Hello, my name is [Your Name] and I want to share my thoughts on what accounting system would be suitable for a training school. As a student and future accountant, I believe that the principles and guidelines of the accrual accounting system would be the most appropriate for tracking the financial activities of a training school.

The Accrual Accounting System

One of the main reasons why the accrual accounting system is suitable for a training school is because it focuses on recording transactions when they occur, rather than when the cash is received or paid. This ensures that financial statements reflect the true financial position of the training school, providing a more accurate picture of its financial health.

Recognizing Revenue and Expenses

Under the accrual accounting system, revenue is recognized when it is earned, even if the payment from students has not been received yet. This allows the school to accurately measure its income and provide a clear view of its financial performance. Similarly, expenses are recognized when they are incurred, providing a comprehensive overview of the school's expenses and allowing for effective cost management.

Matching Principle

The matching principle, a fundamental concept of the accrual accounting system, is highly relevant for a training school. It requires expenses to be matched with the revenues they help generate. By following this principle, the school can better understand the costs associated with providing specific courses, making it easier to determine their profitability and make informed decisions regarding curriculum offerings.

Accurate Financial Statements

Using the accrual accounting system ensures that the training school's financial statements, such as the income statement and balance sheet, accurately represent its financial position. This is important for various stakeholders, including potential investors, lenders, and even the school's management. Accurate financial statements provide transparency and allow for informed decision-making.

Managing Cash Flow

While the accrual accounting system focuses on accurately recording transactions, it does not neglect cash flow. Cash flow statements can still be prepared separately to provide insights into the movement of cash within the training school. This helps identify any potential cash flow issues and enables the school to make necessary adjustments to manage its finances effectively.


In conclusion, the accrual accounting system is the most suitable accounting system for a training school. Its emphasis on recording transactions when they occur, along with the matching principle, ensures accurate financial statements that provide valuable information for decision-making. By adopting the accrual accounting system, the training school can maintain financial transparency, manage cash flow efficiently, and make informed choices to support its long-term success.